Fiona Candlin, Toby Butler, and Jake Watts. Stories From Small Museums (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2022).
Ballatore, Andrea and Katerinchuk, Val and Poulovassilis, Alex and Wood, Peter (2023) Tracking museums’ online responses to the Covid-19 pandemic: a study in museum analytics. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage , ISSN 1556-4673.
Candlin, Fiona and Ballatore, Andrea (2023) ‘A geography of UK museums’. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48:1, 2023, 213-229
Candlin, Fiona, and Ballatore, Andrea and Larkin, Jamie and Poulovassilis, Andrea and Katerinchuk, Valeri and Liebenrood, Mark (2023) ‘The UK Museum Boom: Continuity and change 1960–2019’. Cultural Trends, online.
Larkin, Jamie, Ballatore, Andrea, & Mityurova, Katerina. 2023. Museums, COVID-19 and the pivot to social media. Curator: The Museum Journal.
Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Katerinchuk, Valeri and Candlin, Fiona (2023) ‘Designing a system to chart the development of the UK museum sector: an iterative approach’. Journal of Systems and Information Technology 25:1 192–218.
Candlin, Fiona and Larkin, Jamie (2020) ‘What is a Museum? Difference all the way down’. Museum and Society 18 (2). 115–131.
Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Larsson, Nick and Candlin, Fiona and Larkin, Jamie and Ballatore, Andrea (2020) ‘Creating a Knowledge Base to research the history of UK Museums through Rapid Application Development’. ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage 12 (4) 1–27
Candlin, Fiona and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2019) ‘Understanding and managing patchy data in the UK museum sector’. Museum Management and Curatorship, 35 (4) 446–459.
Candlin, Fiona, and Larkin, Jamie and Ballatore, Andrea and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2019) ‘The Missing Museums: Accreditation, Surveys, and an Alternative Account of the UK Sector’. Cultural Trends, 29 (1) 29:1, 50–67.
Some of these articles are behind paywalls. Final drafts of each article are available on BIRON once the journal’s embargo period has expired. Alternatively, contact the team for an eprint.
Fiona Candlin, Jamie Larkin, Andrea Ballatore and Alexandra Poulovassilis. ‘Mapping Museums 1960-2020: A report on the data’. Birkbeck: London, March 2020.
Valeri Katerinchuk, Nick Larsson and Alexandra Poulovassilis. The Mapping Museums Knowledge Base: technical report. Birkbeck, August 2022.